Genetics and breeding

Dogs and bitches distribution in the population

The chart shows the percentage distribution of dogs and bitches in each year in the population in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Numbers of dogs and bitches used in breeding

The chart shows the numbers of unique dogs and bitches used in breeding in individual years in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Inbreeding coefficient (Fx) %

The chart shows the average inbreeding coefficient for each year. Each point in the chart also has a minimum and maximum COI in the year.

Frequency distribution of COI

This is the frequency distribution of COI values for dogs from our database, from the beginning of the breed to the present. The values of zero are for dogs without information for parents and are an artifact of missing data.

All time popular sires

The chart shows the share of sires on the production of puppies without a time limit. On the right is the nominal list of the first fifteen sires.
  1. QUINN TERNO z Kamilkové zahrady [ 168 ]
  2. VALENTIN z Kamilkové zahrady [ 149 ]
  3. Royal Times DARLINGTON [ 139 ]
  4. FARANEL Prokopská hvězda [ 130 ]
  5. BERGON z Podhradí Boskovic [ 103 ]
  6. RIO v.d. Saarmühle [ 101 ]
  7. Immenhof's MOVIE STAR [ 94 ]
  8. EDVIN z Jiříkova [ 89 ]
  9. CIRO z Jiříkova [ 87 ]
  10. Marjaniemen Q'ASSIOUM [ 82 ]
  11. Cinderaic KING OF THE ROAD [ 76 ]
  12. MONTEK ze Zámku Lešná [ 72 ]
  13. Volney BONANZA [ 71 ]
  14. ELIOT ze Zámku Lešná [ 71 ]
  15. YANKEE TERNO z Kamilkové zahrady [ 70 ]

Last 10 years popular sires

The chart shows the share of sires on the production of puppies in the last 10 years. On the right is the nominal list of the first fifteen sires.
  1. FARANEL Prokopská hvězda [ 130 ]
  2. QUINN TERNO z Kamilkové zahrady [ 109 ]
  3. Royal Times DARLINGTON [ 96 ]
  4. Cinderaic KING OF THE ROAD [ 75 ]
  5. YANKEE TERNO z Kamilkové zahrady [ 70 ]
  6. OSCAR WILDE z Usedlosti Újezdec [ 61 ]
  7. Bonitos Companeros BELLINI [ 55 ]
  8. Melrose SMARTY [ 54 ]
  9. Turretbank TRIBERRY [ 53 ]
  10. LADIES NIGHT du Jardin de Claire [ 52 ]
  11. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Bonimo [ 49 ]
  12. ETAR Prokopská hvězda [ 42 ]
  13. WIMBLEDON MANY z Usedlosti Újezdec [ 38 ]
  14. FLAVIO GOLD od Zlatého Roxe [ 37 ]
  15. PICCOLO MONTY z Usedlosti Újezdec [ 37 ]

Matings color combinations

The graph shows the proportion of the combination of colors when mating. It focuses on the difference when mating whole-colours with parti-colours against other combinations.

Matings color combinations in last 12 months

The graph shows the proportion of the combination of colors when mating in the last 12 months. It focuses on the difference when mating whole-colours with parti-colours against other combinations.